Work Based Learning Overview:
Students enrolled in a Work-Based Learning course earn high school Career, Technical and Agriculture Education (CTAE) units
for their supervised work-based learning. Students attend high school classes a portion of each day and spend the rest of the
day in supervised work-based learning.
Youth Apprentice Program
The Youth Apprentice program is designed for career focused students who are ready to jump-start their career. Students go to school for part of the day and for the remainder of the day students apprentice at an approved worksite. YAP students apply coursework already taken and focus on new skill development, culminating in an industry-recognized credential. The student also plans to attend a post-secondary institution and take courses related to their chosen career. YAP can be either a paid or non-paid work experience.
Admission Requirements:
Have an identified Career Goal and have taken at least two CTAE career-related courses
Has been promoted to the 11th or 12th grade
Must be on track to graduate and be 16 years of age or older
Must have a 2.5 GPA
Good Attendance History
Good Discipline Record
Three Teacher Recommendations
Complete application
Approval by selection committee
Employability Skill Development
ESD students can work for up to one school year at a worksite which may or may not be linked to a specific career pathway. Unlike other forms of Work-Based Learning, ESD students may be involved in work activities that have only an indirect relationship to previous or current classroom studies. This placement opportunity exists in recognition of the fact that almost everyone at some point must experience entry-level work and begin to understand the culture of the workplace.
Admission Requirements
Student has been promoted to the 11th or 12th grade
Must be on track to graduate and be 16 years of age or older
Has earned at least one unit in a CTAE course or in currently enrolled in a CTAE course
Good Attendance History
Good Discipline Record
Three Teacher Recommendations
Complete application
Approval by selection committee
Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education students participate in a structured program that connects school-based occupational instruction and related paid worksite experiences. In other words, students take CTAE classes that connect to their on-the-job experience. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in a course directly related to the job placement.
Admission Requirements
Student has been promoted to the 11th or 12th grade
Must be on track to graduate and be 16 years of age or older
Has earned at least one unit in a CTAE course or in currently enrolled in a CTAE course
Student's job responsibilities are an application of what is being learned in CTAE classroom
Good Attendance History
Good Discipline Record
Three Teacher Recommendations
Complete application
Approval by selection committee
Internship students participate in a structured program that connects school-based occupational instruction and related unpaid work-site experiences. Students must already have credit for at least one CTAE course related to their work experience.
Admission Requirements
Student has been promoted to the 11th or 12th grade
Must be on track to graduate and be 16 years of age or older
Has earned at least one unit in a CTAE course
Student's job responsibilities are an application of what is being learned in CTAE classroom
Good Attendance History
Good Discipline Record
Three Teacher Recommendations
Complete application
Approval by selection committee
Work Based Learning Video